Are You Adding "Taking Action On Our Shared Future" To Your Job Role ?

There is a popular meme on Linked In right now which I will summarise as being a picture of a cheetah beside the picture of someone with ‘ESG’ in their job title and the caption reads “which is moving faster right now”.

For those of us with years (decades) of experience in working in sustainability it is definitely noticeable the increasing number of people who have sustainability added to their job role. When this began to happen (especially within the event sector I will admit to rolling my eyes and delivering education to the event sector press on how to spot Greenwash- that wasn’t convenient education for them to have but thats a story for another time!) However my consideration of ‘lack of experience could be dangerous’ quickly turned to enthusiasm with the understanding that we all want the same thing and that thing is a shared future for us all (and there isn’t anything more important than that).

If could be that adding ‘ESG’ (or one of the many other terms including: sustainability, social responsibility etc) to your job role is the first step in taking action on a shared future.

It could be that voicing your commitment to the future is much more important than learning what sustainability, ESG and all those other terms actually mean. After all if you work with a supply chain one of the most important things you can do is being asking for questions and measurements!

With the experience of 15 years running a not for profit championing a sustainable event industry I can see I have a unique opportunity to support every single event professional to have ‘Taking Action on Our Shared Future’ in our job role. For the last 3 years our ambassador programme has provided our community of over 1,300 global event professionals with powerpoints so they can use their voices to encourage action on our shared future.

Having ESG, Sustainability or any of those terms in your job role may mean you work differently to any traditional job role and work to share your knowledge rather than build your CV, after all taking action on a shared future is everyones job.

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